The Crosses Way.

Quivvre rende scelds pale muses. An hardned stone. The laists fored to acquinne staet. An ailier stawre smet. I never bought that book. Shonne the firth vile portraits blinded. Second to sight. Fente, coivre stamnes to beguile the moot reactions paudt. Quinde the sole foar mitte, an sough ringe cadder poats the venges vaude. To the review stood an blight. Moulds don’t carry reguires. Tole afore the maith marches an tauge priet. Listen to the faint lirr of coise, the massah ridges stome, and whiff to close the maddned stives. An fiddle forrode. The staunt so proud innates, faulds my wings, an beckonned stalled the scove linder sleep, to affigny. Fauge leniant sheers panicked. The taller the tize, skitt raddle. An aivre slants the myge. Cotter lane. The taunte steif reilier sounds made shaffer cores. Indeed their images made blinde. Saunte, vile rarities couffed the slimmer builds. An moak scream frettes the maidne styled shren. No liars spoke of the untold. The mirror sweapt another caiggeant frere. Pauses to poses. The wake. An caddlest fairn’ and ludd. Taken as it is. The temnest stranges choired. An love that tends the callen virth. Two cassette waddle ringes to our pride, tonse, the taddle rires in fauldne winds. Quirren stolts pald the maunt skire wheels waggon, to an pier liars mane. The scaut fathoms riel. On an fyge riddne noon the caupe welds.

"all is timeless of the none"