The door to time.



First find origin of thought. Essence of life. Fountain of youth. A door to time. We all know this first conceptual idea may be understood as evil. No way anyone may explain life right? That’s true although what defines honesty or the righteous path or “truth” as someone here wants it to be? Why is “trueity” explained before me as a rather strange illusion we all believe in? These days are full of strange riots here and there as truth and whomever puts the true voice at hand are revealed as evil. Whomever talks “truth” and is “true” of voice is righteous. My personal theory I very much am proud to idealize is “one” who means without or within truth. My experience is that honesty is a seldom gift and what do they do to liars around here? Therefore visions of the Bible has nothing to do with the door to time. The door to time may have been thought many a year ago. We may understand life. We may understand our rather rare seldom gifts as a righteous path. Talent they say. Where did talent appear first? At a salesman. The devil is a salesman. Upon us in these modern days are a conflict in the root of definition as internet and other medias lead us to think one way or the other. See how fragile opinions have become. As a comrade of God displayed in “Braveheart” the loyal subordinate is a warrior.  Is this “One” the first warrior? “Inri” the cross says. What is the root of this definition? Blasphemy as they say where did childish philosophy become blasphemy? The church I’ve reasoned after some reading has plenty a secret as rule and body of state. My door to time is therefore not rooted in history as some historians may presume yet in the very definition that “truth” and “lies” are coherencies. After a long touch upon trying to define yes and no I rather personally found classic thought of it’s definition throughout time is rather strange.  To define this “one” the 1 word, the first original thought I would have to explain eternity. Which I’ve tried although ain’t done. This is the door to time. A first origin. A first thought. A first life. This is what I’ve seen in films of Dan Brown’s books lately although I don’t know where these ideas root as some folk say. There’s religious variety around town in appearance as there always has been. Then why do think destiny was invented? I don’t believe God invented it. As images of God don’t appear. Rather significantly trying to foretell future may have been viewed upon a sin as impossible in those times. If you have visions of future as Leonardo had you may have looked into this door of time. God is light the illuminati profaned or prophesized. What led these to believe this? Was there ever a source in time leading to time travel? Time travel is not a new idea. Neither is guardians of “truth.” I discovered the keepers of language are seriously underestimated in their strange belief which is portrayed in “From Hell.” However in these cynic medical persons there is a rather significant tension in defiance of good nature in their own defense. These medical persons aren’t justifiably better or worse than any other as Christian conscience foretell us. Although to my personal defense in my boyhood sins must be explained no education at all weather or not difference in right and wrong. In my boyhood years which were plenty I longed for forgivance. Well growing up in ignorance isn’t healthy but in my opinions these days were wild really. There were honour but most of “truth” went to telling teachers all the wrong things going on. My door to time isn’t elder bully boys rather convenient dominance of younger boys. City-life can sometimes be closer to hell. In these days of conformity our superior government as usual keeps and maintains order. Although I must say it’s definition is also rooted in compassion. Honesty in sincerity and loyalty. What happens when you define “realism” as taught later in philosophy. Well of course no one is “free” of sin as “Life of Brian” portrays. My question to whomever found revealing order as compassionate is as follows…Did this event which has always been present politically define a change in the door to time? Is the door to time a manner of definition? No I admit although I do not know the word describing what is true. True as displayed in Kubrick’s “A space odyssey” might have been this “one.” “Without”. This is philosophy in a manner of opinion. “A space odyssey” is a vision of hell. Yes and no we return to here. “Truth” isn’t necessarily a quest for innocence. I’ve later theorized upon whether or not this cross may have been known as “the righteous man.” As we know medieval evil times are over and we now occupy a rather orderly manner of fashion. Now you see. Folk keep their secrets. Why is a rather strange manner of fact although we all love a good thief. Theft and possession another deceiving intention which is part of life is not however the door to time. Vision they say is not acceptable. Profanity they say. Yet definition of what is true isn’t either. Time is altered in “Angel’s and Demons” although we all know this is a physical impossibility. So what is the door to time? Another illusion? Another perverted rumour? Another inflammatory invention of wars? My answer before me isn’t me you see. No-one presumes destiny. Was destiny the first thought? Well my theory is that “one,” “without” may be some folk theories of what assumingly could be the first word uttered. As modern films display aliens may have been here before us. Well understanding “future” as destiny isn’t sin. My friend and I had a debate about this. He thought destiny was foretold by someone. “Illusions” in my opinion and not the door to time. The angel man isn’t the door to time. Then as we all know a philosophical empirical thought is that all thoughts derived from one word. Indeed. Plenty of folk were punished for these beliefs which probably sooner or later appears throughout time. However every reasonable thought and empirical deduction surveys a rational thesis these profane ideas were witchcraft; now currently legal in United Kingdom. No one but God knows the secrets of life. So life isn’t the door to time. Neither is light as Gremlins incite upon me. Neither is God. Neither is the roman empress “Mother Justice.” Which today in my theories appear as a weigh of words. I’ve studied sincerely and studied well and wisdom has come to me at this age. No harm in belief isn’t a blasphemous thesis. Let see they have revealed their secrets and it’s always been this way what then is this door to time? I worked sincerely on this thesis for a while and it appeared to me mass, energy and time were included in a thesis. This thesis wasn’t the door to time. So there my little quest for time continues. Time is light? No, that’s blasphemy. Time alone isn’t the door to time. So “truth” must have something to do with it. As I have travelled and seen other countries I have discovered belief in a theistic manner of instance as church sometimes is understood differs from a unified glorious “one.” Unified “oneity” isn’t the door to time. So I haven’t looked carefully enough into such a rather personal concise idealism and opinion although not political we all have. This is modern enlightment. What is the dangers of it? Is the church in fear of “truth”? Probably not but if you ask a priest about it he would say he’s heard enough complains. So a priest isn’t the door to time as none other human or alien is. So we’ve evolved as Darwin rather profanely baffled into as a human species. In Darwin’s empirical defense must be uttered he realized we evolved as a species. This is traditional thought today. Yet it were defied by church and Darwin’s theories condemned by church are not practiced by ministers. Did Darwin try to defy essence of creation as there is nothing that stands before time but God? Evolution theory is not God and not the door to time. In a philosophical theist manner of fashion the very imposition that any human may or may not utter what is eternal life namely God is not condemned by church today although some religious folk think they know God better is a good reference to Braveheart. So whom defines truth may be God and whom does the exact opposite Antichrist. Religion and science differ. Politics and religion differ. Opinions and truths differ. So whom knows? Yes whom knows indeed? God knows. But he isn’t as some scientologists try to defend deductible in any manner. This is portrayed in “The Devils Advocate” were the Devil present on earth tries God’s love of the this fallen angel against humanity demanding sacrifice. Some folk believe it is the time of antichrist. Yet the antichrist isn’t my door to time. So for these of us who have faith in God and defies the devil let us be reminded the art today portraying God as an ideal upon man is rather non-religious. This doesn’t make antichrist more welcome in Christian faith. My insanity is not insane and neither my door of time. The door of time isn’t God neither is it antichrist. I know a man called Christian. Then to the fountain of youth. The fountain of youth is? An early Christian definition of the Holy Grail. No one has ever found the Holy Grail and survived Indiana Jones “The quest for the Holy Grail” tells us. Then how do we know or have some known or could it be it has a name. This is displayed in “Da Vinci Code.” As we all know there is no way film is understood as a miracle today although worshipping television as religious idealism is a rather interesting question. Most of what I’ve seen since childhood has been hell. Then I do not worship television and television is not a time machine. Television is not the door to time. Is this contradictory as lawyers say in any terms of logistics? Most likely not. Honour. Honesty. There back to classic nihilism. It’s essence is that life don’t exist and has never existed therefore anything is possible. This was condemned by church although is not illegal in modern times to read nor study as philosophical thesis of what some folk referred to as hell on earth. Nihilism signifies hell on earth. My studies of it rather significantly demanded my curiosity to my knowing an act of disappearance. Nihilism isn’t my door to time. Then if time has to do with “truth” what is it’s definition? Definition isn’t the door to time. Then an idea appears in good time what is and what remains honest is not a manner of definition alone although a weigh of words. Classic notorious thought understood as I create therefore I understand time. This is part of any child’s understanding of life really. There is no blasphemy in thinking my father and mother created me so they must be closer to God! Laugh. Is creation the door to time? An ideological symbolist adventure in mythology is a modern thesis of this as displayed in “Da Vinci Code”. What defines imagery? Imagery isn’t the door to time. Then further upon a closer upon the origin of thought as “one”; “without” is this illusion of thought visible as improvable or not explainable in it’s definition and origin? No. The first thought is perhaps the door to time. Although it has no definition. So then we return to guardians of “truth,” folk of definition, people of faith as displayed in some films as enemies. Imagery isn’t “truth” and therefore we don’t worship imagery. I understood this required further thought and finally although rather aware of it’s significance as illusion being definition is rather the significance between yes and no. A tiny step closer to the door to time.  Then what is “truth”? Who knows truth and what is honest? “Truth” can not be the first thought and why? There is no door to time? To be continued…