Soul Keys


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Of what came to pass

The dignant man pays a vengeant howl against winds of furious night. In a proclamation of thieves the introvertive disguise pertained by refugees of spirit. The night is no laugh.

See what before thine eyes

the improperty

A deemed scarce fathomed

to dismay relent

What there is

none other

than the fervent steep

why bother

These leaves eyes of a distant past. At last the endeavour to remain a shadow. Covert sun sinful dawn appraised in thy words.

Look afar

a steam

Where did I go when dreamed

the impune reasons

to endure

pictures pure

To set apart

and land on heaven's heart

The light of life. A prosecution in life. The enigma of judgement.

To commune with grace

The damned face

Intervenes with nature

A liar's lend

around the bend

Directions pay

why stay

when all is where there and this
