The Silence of Shadows.


The hymns of praise


Fleeing empty streets

Caused by casual words on my mouth

the honesty of deception

prior to the last

what open doors prayers

upon vast immaterial shapes of glorious infinity

a teardrop

the immortal falling

Seen through it all

while gently fleeting towards more light

the one shadow crawls

dissolutely into my bed

Aroused affiliate gets

the sunken sheets

To the dire solace of fair

tickets played

come sundown's lay

liars freed into communion

And the beast is tired, tonight

no second thoughts

her cleavage; foam

invincibility presumes

the aristocrate pursuit

of lands lost in flames

Know their games

who pleads guilt

when it rains.

The attribute face

of triggered bytes

pace, ammount to much

mock the dephiled illusion

of landlords

and pity

for vengeance

While passion hits the floor

the vile distance

to soul dancers

freed by outstanding personal attacks

of accusing life

in a dark tone of voice

the first choice

To breathe innocence.

Loving the lirč

while hoaks hooks hired

ghosts prevail the fashion of town

instancies internal

ethereally pleased

by the cushion

a flower's plaid

feigned retained information of such

the pure naked touch

of forreign luck

in the dismay of garden walls

a day of sudden relics of the past

what can not be boren

assured of knowing

what they wan't

I can't free you now

from the passion held

of stories telled

No nuisance in a deep guide

to the renaissance of beauty

Whom cared of loners

wasted in sand

prying shallow hope

into the hands of swollen

ministers of faith

assured late

of latter tendencies to mistake

the floor for heaven.

Her leniant pride

while porcelain bucks

break distances

the arrogancy before me

is nature's own

What shown

the litter lit lane

sane shadow's walk

into gates angels guard

I know you well

this here a show and tell

of home and hell

scared rescented pairs

shares evidence of life

in awes of green beverage

a swam of eyes

the yell of hounds

prying dissolute menders

money lenders

accustomed to accusče's self employed

priority to live.

The adorč pardon clear

visions nare the roaring heights

of fathomed fear

All of the sudden

a care in the world

appearing in the sight of others

she knows

why he bothers

and the leap of shame

crying her name

the clearing in the wood

insists on good

God's light

to circumfere

the retribution

of death.


The shadow wakes


takes, aches into material waste

wherein truth lays

the picture portrait daze

of sweet age

and tiarems

The dissolute morning page

sweeps diaries

of fallen angels

without the wings to fly

they surely

try not to

A frame set reality

on the beaten track

facing suppositions

of abstract mourning

without rescemblant


The surplus sky

swarms of delighted men

blissfully trips on their shoes

while ghastly retributions

of what they thought


The prospect of sacred tides

sweeping lonely eyes

a bid of lies

on ice

Lice turmoil and insinuations

about poverty

ŠTorgaut Matias Gulliksen
