Terry Funkston and the half-cougar folk.


A beautiful day in August an impersonator came to a building with floors.


Funkston: “I am the law, he says.”

Miss half cougar: “Oh so what are you doing?”

Mr Law: “Guiding you into my illusive protectionist garden.”

Funkston: “I am your notorious slave, citizen funks-ton, at your service."

Mr Law: “A manner of fraction.”

Miss half cougar: “Steal all my food mr. Law…I ain’ts been workings for it.”

Mr Law: “Honestly, Funkston, neither have I.”


Wise man: “Mr. Law and Funkston good friends, wise man say…”

Funkston: “Here and there they say, pitiful advice is a poor man’s pay.”

Mr Law: “Terry, I’ve been poor I know how you feel.”

Miss half cougar: ”Miau.”

Funkston: “You know what they done to cat-lovers before Miss?”

Mr Law: “Terry, you know what it is and when there’s no need to know, something evil is about these woods.”

Miss half cougar: “Miau.”

Funkston: “Even the cat’s know my name.”

Mr Law: “What is it this time Funkston, a complaint?”

Wise man: “I come from dragon land pwease don’t vend my coin machine’s intentious mind.”

Funkston: “So you think you are a machine?”

Wise man: “No, machines are evil, Funkston they do not forget.”


An elephant stumbles out of the jungle.


Miss half cougar: “I have to hide in my cave, elephant’s roaming around here, isn’t good for my moon sick cycle of nature.”

Wise man: “Elephant’s no no stars not good for dragons.”

Funkston: “Wise man…what are you on about; leave nature for a machine?”

Wise man: “I love my car because my Father is a car factory owner.”

Funkston: “Be careful with vehicles dragon, cat’s run fast you know.”

Miss half cougar: “Hm…Miau…Yes, I know truth ain’t found in a salesman…”

Mr Law: “Well I upheld a statement of the public good for my own sake Miss…Was it your idea?”

Wise man: “Exactly they say own rich for poor is old trick in book.”


The elephant blows water upon miss half cougar.


Mr Law: “Well this time Funkston you have become one of us.”

Funkston: “Don’t you remind me of my notorious past.”

Mr Law: “You ain’t done anything worse than anyone else, mate, you just never learned a darn thing.”

Wise man: “Only robbers teach law in school for no gold or purpose.”

Mr Law: “Yes, Terry, wise man is right. You notorious folk think more than us guardians of law.”

Funkston: “Cheers, wise man, I know now…”

Wise man: “Only cowards, Terry, knows when not to be himself.”

Funkston: “Thank you dragon that really warms my flaming heart.”


A strange creature with yellow eyes and pointy ears enters the floor.


Mr Cougar: “Yum-yum fiddle-I-dum. Where in heaven’s name are you folk foam?”


Miss half-cougar looks strangely with her eyes pointing left to right then right to left.

Wise man opens a door and moth flies about the room.

Mr Cougar opens his mouth and eats all moths.


Funkston: “About time I say..?”

Mr Law: “Time for a drink you usually say...Funkston…and live by this philosophy.”

Wise man: “There’s a point for pint, you’ve said Terry and understood this wisdom.”

Funkston: “Shame; you told me wise man; knows no name.”

Mr Law: “Good my lads…I have to go tend my duties.”

Funkston: “Salute Mr Law; you whom know; don’t leave the stage without show.”


Mr Law is swallowed by Elephant



Potentially a beginning of a play.