Bat Spirit

Back in the days of civil war. A commander reminded himself of occasion. He famously considered revenge for a while then walked back to the holy mountains. In this land of the dead he never returned. Though he did find peace. These were the days of the sioux appache wars. The confederacy was against the United States of America. President Abraham Lincoln never quite came over his fathers affair with an African American. Now the Hurons had an agreement with the Canadians. They were the sons of great Vampire. A feather for the ones who survived the winter of 1768. Back then the Sioux were drinking the blood of their enemies and dancing the dance of the dead. The peaceful man considered having a wife but nobody wanted to marry him due his tranquility. Then the famous woman killer had a child which were considered a shaman. For many years he knew he was cursed for the reason of being warrior chiefs son. Man of many wives didn't considered himself quiet when the bear-hunters returned victoriously. Man who walked with the spirit of a bat also became a shaman cause he didn't go off to war. The Sioux thought of him as a holy demon even though he were of a different tribe. This was the curse of the man with many horses. Bat Spirit moved to Ghost Town were he wanted to marry the Sleep Warriors daughter. The whole tribe of Ghost Town actually hated Priest while Man who ate Mistress found his Lady. This was in the time an evil woman waked here father to rule. While some Dutch farmers thought of war as evil and became pacifists hunting for gold they actually thought of themselves as pious. In these days the confederates finally broke loose from the forbidden Island. A rocky Island it were. A place they sacrificed for Odin. When the Christians finally thought they could wake Christ which blood was served to mostly the entire known world. The rioteers diminished they're own religion. Secretly though they found comfort in remembering their ancestors. For a while their Chief's son moaned his father in the forbidden tent of spirits. The new Chief who won the rain-dance once hated him for understanding peace. The shamans father never returned from the holy mountains. And Ghost Town villagers enormously thought of this as a tragedy. While some English settlers thought of this as a miracle. They never understood he had friends amongst the dead. While Man of Many Ghosts found sincerity in his daughter Bear-claw was given bad medicine by the Dutch settlers. The shaman could actually trace his family back to Washington. Which found himself in a castle known as Grief. Though he never were invited to the Chiefs Tent. In that tent without a name the elders held fashionable meetings. And the Man of many Horses told stories about his time abducted by the Cheyenne. The river people weren't to amazed about their Chiefs reasonable insanity never to go to war. While the city folk of the east found glory in British Imperialism Bat Spirit thought of it as an omen to read newspapers. The slaves however once confined to the forbidden Islands came back to rule in the memory that they once were Sioux warriors. They also thought of Abe as a saviour after he had survived Philadelphia. Which the confederates actually held as a prison. Some years later the Norwegians settled the mid-west in the memory thanks giving. However the Unionists weren't to happy about their surrounded castles. In Alaska the Cheyenne occupied Eskimoes. After the Sioux warrior tribe confined easy gentlemen to be founders of the constitution. They proclaimed a sacriledge in revengeful doubt. Finally the Abers were able to once again wake early prisoners in their captivity and the shaman became a warrior. Then a man known as Mason after having visited France for many years privately considered insanity as the weight of a ghost. Great Wolf found honest pleasure in the visit of one of his wives which he married without curse. This wife was an Apache which thought no harm in hospitalisation from the Texans who confined themselves as honourable Sioux. They were Cheyenne. Men of the many rivers. While Abe thought of his time as banning nurses down south. Industrialism invited conventionalist thougth. However no-one actually knew of private investigators. These imprisonated the factualist norwegian anarchists who never cared much about Gold. While the Canadians united for the destruction of the east coast. The Sioux fled further west. The Hurons however not to fond fighting for the dead finally understood that the Sioux agreement with the fur-traders of the north-east privately did underestimate the unionist industrialism the confederates finally wanted peace. However the civilian watchers of the great battlefields thought it was a priviledge to look into binoculars. Some of them even laughed when the Love of Their Horse Spirits actually wanted to eat chipmunks. However none of the confederates had heard of Evil Witch Cat Lover who pantomimed all her snunkers to become Evil Fighter Runners. Some years earlier the famous Swede had swam over the ocean through parts of Russia to become a gold-digger. However his alcholism prevented him from active duty. At this time all the snunkers were known as snail eaters. While some of the unionists invented the railroad the industrialists configured electricity as a source of power. Bat Spirit thought of seeing his mother in a vision couldn't be an omen.  He then walked from his tent which actually withheld great magic. The hurons were then never to meet the Sioux which had once been part of their tribe. Bat Spirit shaved his hair off to amuse the evil wife of the new Chief Bear-claw. While Big-foot some years later didn't want to read about the English confederate army. This privately due his partially agreement with his Chief to consider books evil. His daughter however all her years found pity in the loss of White-Head born of Christmas. This actually led to one of the longest wakes in history. Bear-claw also known as Big-foot the rasberry eater never quite felt pity with his traumatic visionate shaman warrior. They became friends after the birth One Who Is Named. However Bat Spirit had visions while he slept through the hole winter. While he actually did not pretend to moan the loss of his childhood love. At this time the pagans worshipped the moon. Then Man of Many Stars thought about revolution in innocence. Bat Spirit finally found love and named his daughter Moonclothes. Hower Girl of many Cats found Ghoat-blowers illness to cured. The elders of Ghost Town then had a meeting with Man Who Urinates. However the frog consumer thought he could wake his mother while confused by beer-drinking. Then after some evil bad years with many concerts in churches the Preacher found Girl of many Cats to be as wicked as these. This was while Man who was never baptised considered all his friends to good. However Good Old Tanker became a slave for 21 years. No one actually knew this was the plan of Snunker Without a Name. As usual the man of the family is considered responsible. Bat Spirit thought a while over his ancestors in London and decided to lord a cat. This however weren't considered polite amongst the followers of Christ. Man who could never hold his liquor privately found all his friends to be more insane than him and took to his peyote pipe. Bat Spirit then walked downtown for an instruction by the unionists. Bat Spirit were a freeman and dreamed about having many wives. However some of the Sioux considered him pious while he found out he didn't want to travel. Great Ghost never got old. Bat Spirit thought of that as good news. While the elders privately amused themselves by ruling Ghost Town. The young folk found comfort in fire water. This new invention also known as leaf-water presumably made Bat Spirit think of understanding the book of the dead. Later on after Christmas which he didn't enjoy much he smoked the book. Preacher found this as bad behaviour and sentenced him to the asylum. However Man Who Ate His Sword actually prevented Apache imperialism. While upset by industrialist modernist railways Great Wolf decided to understand the old ways. Ghost Town then got a town crier. While the insane tribe captured by evil women actually were outlawed by union-folk. They thought they tried to remember their language. Bat Spirit sentenced never to get old frivolously married again. This time without consent from Great Ghost. The drummers waked cavemen while drinking honey-milk. While always afraid of sunlight Bat Spirit thought about having visions again. The Shaman known as Lizard Man thought he could have family. While he remembered dreaming about the times of Man of Many Stars. The snunker sat on Bat Spirits lap and reminded himself of the time he were a human being. Bat Spirit then thought about the outlawed cat eater and his wife who could never find peace without medicine. While Bear-claw considered Bat Spirit a friend he later found passion in not talking to him. Lizard Man then privately remarried without permission to get into position as Chief. He remembered the time his dreams were to become a Shaman and the times he were named man who could never make up his mind. Lizard Man was always a good friend of Bat Spirit though they had their fights. 'They told each other stories about the great eye. How this wizard known as one-eyed-man adventured in the despise of sacrifice. Later on Lizard Man and Bat Spirit sat down in haunted cabin to drink and talk about women with frog consumer and his secret mistress Preacher daughter. The slaves weren't invited this time as they had agreed with Bear-Claw to passionately occupy Ghost Town. Bat Spirit a year later adviced cat consumer not to be nameless anymore. While slaves had evil dreams about choking very passionate small woman this actually didn't happen in haunted cabin. Bat Spirit loved women. The unionists declared truth to be an evil vision. Bat Spirit then returned to be a Sleep Warrior. However Bat Spirit actually never understood daughter of evil druggist as she probably were quite mean. However he considered her beautiful cause she survived the wake wars which lasted for 250 years. Preacher then tried to rescue Man of many wives. However he did not come over his right of inheritage. Finally Bat Spirit got to marry the Chiefs daughter and found happiness in tobacco and fire water. Lizard Man then invited Bat Spirit who after his loss of many friends became a moaner to perform a ritual in the Sioux Mountains. Great Wolf also attended this ritual. Lizard Man became the Chief of Sioux Mountains and invited many fellow indians to his huts. However one of the river folk thought Bat Spirit was to be a shaman and made him take a bath in frog poison pool. After this a Sioux who had travelled far and wide thought of it as insane to smoke pipe when young. Great Ghost became liberal enough to not slaughter someone due smoking. Bat Spirit once a great warrior as a shaman had visions for six months. Preacher then finally considered sacrificial lamb eater as a soul mate and moved back to the lands of the great river. Bat Spirit found great happiness in the dreams of his daughter Moonclothes and watched her grow up in blessed beauty. The unionist didn't know that Lizard Man had become a warrior and thought of the Indian ways as unholy. There is no record of him having an actual agreement with Preacher. Preacher then confessed to Great Ghost that he was of the river people tribe and thought of it as presently not explainable to read news while being a grandfather. While most of the river people were on the warrior path Bat Spirit regretted his travels to Sioux Mountains. The Preacher then reminded his ancestor who died after riding a horse into Forbidden County that his son was to inherit a haunted cabin. Then the elders of Ghost Town configured ancestry as a way of rule. Prior to the actual non-agreement with Woman who ate so many cats she almost got whiskers, Lizard Man got sad and cried for many years. Then the elders of Ghost Town had heard rumours about something that never happened and thought they could sentence Bat Spirit to become a warrior again. Bat Spirit found great grief in the loss of his Sioux friend which couldn't remember names. He told Great Wolf that the warriors in fierce far to large city with apache hospitals actually named him. Great Wolf then thought for a while and sent some of his many beautiful daughters in to please the Apache. Bat Spirit fell in love with this daughter without knowing her name. Though he didn't think much about nothing. Bat Spirit then got problems with Preacher for not marrying in Great Ghost's name which traditionally isn't considered not wicked. Bat Spirit then regretted he had become a shaman and dreamed about his time as a warrior. Though man who eats caskets actually was quite not fond of him cause of his choice to become undead he forgave his vicious aunt for hating the Apache. The Apache found himself alone against many beautiful Sioux women while the slaves thought about serving him. Bat Spirit thought he was cursed cause he found himself in many different situations and retired to haunted cabin. He was quite proud when his wife visited him dressed out as an Apache and found great sorrow in her having winds against her hair. The Lizard Man hearded some river folk while he thought of Old Timer as a passionate father in law. While the unionist considered all his friends good folk his passion for Great Chief finally returned to recent. Bat Spirit then thought of war as unholy and returned to moan his good Sioux friend. Bat Spirit also went under the name of man who had never heard stories. His wife reminded him of peace. This was in the days of the great poverty inflictment which covered the river people for several years. Bat Spirit then considered all of Ghost Town his friends and talked to Preacher about unionism. While poverty then struck in winter Great Wolf walked to his strangers cabin in Bastard Valley and cursed the memory of the Apache.



Bat Spirit finally considered snunker as part of his family.


Back home in Ghost Town he found great comfort in tobacco and coffee and liquor within the four walls of his haunted cabin.

He lived to moan his wife for more than two hundred years after the warrior chief Bear-Claw saw his sleepwalking actually not evil and not caused by evil spirits.


While the evil birds where considered great vision all the confederates once again lost their sense of humour.


Evil machine.



After 300 years of war all the tribes considered freedom again.